Thursday, July 29, 2010

Is Lime Green Paintfor 4 Walls

Still on conscious acts

It might surprise
Further discussion on this conscious acts, but it is never enough.
We still have to repeat the statement of Dr. Vittoz: " receptivity is everything" ... and therefore it is imperative that this concept is properly and effectively learned by those who intend to use the method successfully Vittoz.

start with an example of a conscious act.
Close your eyes.
reopen it and cast a quick look at the first object that is offered to your view, for example, any object that is on the shelf in front of you, the vision must last a split second, without trying to analyze the details of .
Close your eyes and reopen it, this time your eyes will stop for example on a rose placed in a vase, made contact with this new object, now abandoned, without any effort of attention, do not stop on a long he watch it with the eye of a newborn baby .
fall into you, do the same thing with any object or image: the curtain of your window with a picture on the wall, with a fly that has settled on the table, with a beam of light coming through the window; in short, with all things.
As you walk down the street, cast a glance who is not distracted, not being vague ... that is a simple but true glance, on a lamppost on the yellow leaf of a tree, on a red tile roof make this kind of thing on any object, ten, one hundred times, a thousand times if necessary.
is to get a feeling the purest possible, without going to the perception, so that almost no thought.
short, it is not look, it is simply see .
Now, listen for a moment the ticking of the clock in your room, listening to the sound of a prsta that closes in your apartment, listening to the sound of a car passing in the street, but do not look at it, only hear the noise it makes going through. Pay the same way listening to a little while, the noises coming from the street, the house, everywhere.
If you feel tired is because you wanted to hear too much time at once, take a break!
dint of repeating the exercise, you do it effortlessly, but it is essential that you do it effortlessly.
Do not be discouraged, do not insist, and switch to something else.
When shooting exercises, remember only that you should be like a new photographic plate that has yet to be impressed.
is how you should start practicing schematically Take conscious acts. The patient must learn the same way to touch, to feel, to get a quick impression of the contact of his arm on the armrest of the chair, the fabric of the chair that is under his fingers without trying to recognize the type of fabric, the button of its own jacket, cigarette smell in the room or smell of a flower.
Gradually the patient will learn to see, hear, touch, in short, to get more in touch with reality. This is absolutely essential to reconstruct the psychological basis, the conscious act of will thus be relevant to this , and make this the less painful and distressing.
It could happen to feel fatigued and tense. The advice is to relax. Relaxation is not necessary to get up from a chair or sofa on which we were seated at the same time do not need to relax at all costs, because you would get the opposite effect. E 'be helpful to do exercises to approach them with the peace of mind that you are capable. Sit well on the chair on which you sit, lean it all the way back, the soles of your feet resting comfortably on the floor, arms resting on the armrests of the chair well as if you were an Egyptian statue. Before you relax in the true sense of the word, breathe easily, widely, several times in succession.
is once again hear and understand your breathing rather than thinking to your breathing. During
inspiration: the chest rises and expands, the diaphragm moves down.
A moment of rest, pause, and then exhale which is the opposite of inspiration.
may be useful for the first time, make sound your breath so you can listen as described. Breathing should not be too quick and short, so there is a risk of not enough oxygen blood. It will then proceed to find the most suitable for his own person to the following scheme (numbers are indicated time in seconds)

Breathing =

Inspiration +

Pause +

10 4 2 4
15 6 3 6
20 8 4 8
25 5 10 10

At the end we will proceed with a long inhalation followed by a long exhalation, relax the muscles at the same time in one fell swoop, you feel that you release your left foot, your left leg, your left knee, hip and then up even higher, so for all of your body. Surely there will come the first time, the first time, do not insist, will only strain. Forget it, get up ... resume the exercise at another time. The
relaxation and conscious acts are a fundamental step of care, and once you will learn how to properly conscious acts, a lot of the work is done.
return another time on the technique of the conscious.
After a year the patient will notice that it is almost impossible not to detect an appreciation of the object that you look or sound that you hear. They are spontaneous reflections from which it is difficult to defend. What is needed is to put aside such appreciations as far as possible, trying to photograph objectively objects, shapes, colors, ... to register consciously a sound that reaches our ears.
You should try for the first time to control the muscular sensations are conscious that, in the first floor, and are the only ones that the patient will have to try to bring in as:

  1. fully aware of the clarity of the idea at the time corresponding
  2. the feeling that the act is intended
In this case it is definitely receptive .
If, however, we will try to become aware of the act is taking place, we would emission, which we'll be thinking about.
The patient will begin with a lot of documents simple: for example, the flexion / extension to the top / bottom of the hand by flexing the wrist, or the decline in the same sense of full support on the ground. These movements must be done very slowly to be heard, paying attention to muscular sensations.
Yet another example. Let's try to open a door. There may be three possible behaviors:
  1. distraction with which we carry out this act atomatico
  2. habit / attitude that leads us to say: "open the door and I realize" followed "I know I am going to open the door ... with the result that there is required an effort that we feel the fatigue
  3. - Vittoz the manner of - in our muscles, those of the arms and shoulders, hand movements needed to perform the act in practice feel our movements in performing the 'act of opening the door .
The patient could be argued that with these measures is that they can alleviate her condition. In reality the 'act heard directly cause a conscious state, that state will allow you to participate more directly, with clarity in every moment of your day, allowing a fair trial to your actions. And 'long and patient work, but which will bring you in calm, confident and well-being