Hello girls,
Sweet Home and Country in the Santa's elves are working around the clock because it now lacks very little.
It 's a hard work but also a great satisfaction.
These days I sent and received packages from my combined with the swap, next week I'll show you the photos. Obviously I did not think for a moment to put the package under the tree, but as soon as I got there I opened as a child. As usual the girls were cute. Smack, smack, smack!
Unable to post the gifts that I made to avoid removing the surprise to someone who would move from the blog, now you do 'a simple but effective recipe to impress your guests.
This cupcake spicy, very Christmas, that surround the house smell festive.
The idea came to me looking through the magazine Alice, but the recipe has been modified by me (also because the newspaper had forgotten to put the ingredients ....)

2 eggs 125 g sugar 125 g butter
125 grams of self raising flour
milk to taste 1 pinch of salt
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
Preheat the oven to 160 degrees (I use it always windy). First work to cream the butter with 2 / 3 of the sugar, add eggs then worked with the remaining 1 / 3 of the sugar and mix the flour and a pinch bene.Unire and sift well so as not to form lumps. The mixture is sieved together with the gradualmente.Unire milk mixture to form a soft dough vellutato.Mettere the mixture in baking cups and bake at 160 degrees for 20 minutes (or cumunque always check with a toothpick).
For the frosting I used just butter and powdered sugar worked well to which I added green food coloring.
Once trimmed the cupcakes with frosting, sprinkle with momperiglia ... look like small Christmas trees!
Now I greet you, sending you a big hug and we feel next week when I'll show you the gifts that I have prepared. A big kiss and

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