Regarding the second point of the stylus I generally two times each year: one in January and one in September, which, mindful of the school periods (Light years ago now ... how are vecchiaaaaaa) for me is always a second new year where everything starts again.
In January, I promptly drafted a new ih ih ih
picture from Cannelle et Vanille

4) always on the front of physical activity, I do not know if it's a purpose or a dream, I'd learn to ride a horse. When I was little I fell, I broke my arm and I have an incredible fear. When I went to Santo Domingo I made a short excursion on horseback. Those poor animals were totally rimbecilliti and to make them go you have to go nonostente but this can not imagine how frightened I

photos taken from the blog of Muccasbronza
6) treat the house with more regularity, not to accumulate piles of clothes to be ironed and be more ordered (order not count on it too because they are born that way and is just one in 35 years can not change that much uh). I would like to become a queen of the hearth (well we go princess)
7) try new dishes, I sometimes think that life is one and one should try as much as possible (legal ehhh), fossilize always on the same recipe is really a sin. I like trying recipes and try them when I never made a bit 'of time.
8) make me a holiday on-the-road: the favorite destinations include Provence or New England (for now this is the wish list). E 'from a life that I want me a nice trip, but unfortunately so far I have not been possible. When the time comes right?
9) have a Kitchen Aid: I think it's a bit 'the dream of every lover of food. My favorite colors are red and white. What a sight, but it may be so expensive??

Well, for one who does not like to talk about' I'd say for now is more than enough.
And you have compiled your list of wishes / good intentions? Let me know.
Good weekend
PS The photos that I have not cited the source I found Google's images
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