When I was younger I was not a big reader, in fact, I did not like to read, probably because I had been marked by the number of boring books that I was forced in high school.
Then in the years to commute to Milan, having every day at least 4 hours of travel (say at least four years because of strikes, delays and failures I have drunk many many!) I started reading and I are passionate about it so much that now I consider one of the most relaxing things that exist.
In those years I have definitely lost time until then, I read all kinds really. The first book was Banana Yoshimoto's Kitchen, followed by the Kinsella, Jane Austin, the history books, travel, Chick Lit, and even comics.
Then one morning a colleague of mine is in office with "Coming Home" by Rosamunde Pilcher and says "I brought for you, it's beautiful, you should definitely read it."
I was very skeptical, I had never read books rose in the true sense of the word, they seemed boring and also it was meatballs 300-400 pages, but I regret to say to my friend I did not want that, so I thanked him and I took it.
I must admit that the surprise was great, Pilcher's books are all set in Cornwall, descriptions of landscapes made me want to really leave. But what does this have
with the recipe today??
Simple, Pilcher's characters all have one thing in common: every time they pull off a nice tray of hot tea and scones!
Read a page, another sneaky, eventually the curiosity to try these famous scones became ever more pressing and I had to give in to temptation ... what a pity you think :-))))
On a rainy afternoon , feeling in style british I cooked these lovely cakes that were fantastic because they are not very sweet and went perfectly with the grain of raisins. A true delicacy, especially when combined with a nice cup of steaming tea.
I've accompanied them with a mixture of tea flavored with pink peppercorns, orange peel and a fantastic smell of whiskey cream. The scent transported me in an English tea room.

raisin scones
2 tablespoons
1 pinch of salt
50 GR. DO NOT SKIP THE BUTTER, cold and diced
150 ML. MILK
1 / 4 cup of raisins OF WET and squeeze
1 beaten egg Preheat oven to 220 ° C. Sift the flour into a large bowl and We add the yeast. Stir in the butter dough with your hands until the mixture resembles bread crumbs. We add sugar, salt and raisins. Combine the milk and mix until dough becomes smooth and soft.
Place the dough on a floured surface and knead briefly. Roll it up to 2.5 cm thick. Cut the scones with a agliabiscotti round and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Brush the scones with beaten egg before baking.
Bake that for 10-15 minutes until they become golden on top.
I assure you that you can brighten up a rainy day, just have a cup of tea, scones and smoking a good book!
A big kiss and see you soon,
PS This recipe I found on the new issue of GTWOKITCHEN that you can download here
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