A year ago I began my adventure on the blog. Initially I was a bit 'hesitant because I was wondering if anyone would be interested to see my work but in the end I jumped.
I never kept a journal, except for a brief period when I was in junior high, but this blog is a diary where I share with you what I do, I think and I love. E 'was great to meet during these 365 days and girls kind of funny that they gave me every day the desire to continue writing.
And that's why you just dedicate my first BLOG CANDY.

This is a small box decorated door half (of course) with the country and painting (of course) with a pattern of Rennée Mullins.
someone will think "But there's still a bit 'freschino to think about gardening?", And this is where you are wrong because there is no time for the chance to till March 24 to 5 and then then it is hoped that the air is a little 'heated. 1 month is long enough to participate in a candy but I would like to match the extraction of the winner on my birthday (March 6).
So here are the rules :
1) can participate if you have a blog that we did not have
2) leave a message in this post (it is important not to leave anonymous comments or you risk not understand who is the winner)
3) add my blog in the list of blog friends (do you remember that list of blog that is updated every time you publish a new post .... I do not know but surely you explain how you know what I mean)
4) what is desirable but not mandatory expose the banner of candy on your blog
I can only thank all of you who have supported me during all these months.
Come along, we bill!
A big kiss,
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