Sometimes we remain disappointed because we realize that people are looking for you friends that he considered only when they need and for the rest of the time you completely forget you, then you begin to doubt the feeling of friendship . But friendship with a capital "really exist? Then "meetings" on the internet people who actually have never seen, exchange a few comments, some mail and you realize (while positively surprised) to their availability.
M. It happened to me with a very kind person who responded to my questions with enthusiasm giving me advice and giving me a "dose" of a thing that I could not find it anywhere: gum tragacanth (used for decorations in sugar paste). For me, having in hand the bag was pure joy!
I could not not reciprocate with a gift with my hands, and because she is a pastry that I could not decorate this canister

Thanks to the information Cristina I could easily work on tin.
Sorry for the mood a bit 'sad post today but after all it is still MONDAY!
still get to see me because I'm working for you ... in the true sense of the word ;-)
soon, Elisa
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