Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ptu4 For Hyperthyroid

Accommodation and emissivity

Accommodation and emissivity.

What is meant by these two terms?

Our brain operates on two levels:
  • a position of receptivity when receiving the sensory perceptions
  • A position of subservience and thoughts when preparing them outside

You can treat this activity and respiration its two phases of inhalation and exhalation. But it is important to note that both the two phases are necessary: \u200b\u200bone can not think of a breathing made just inhale or exhale.

The same goes for the brain. A lingering
emissivity in the long run can cause excessive fatigue brain. We seek to deepen
the topic.
The initial position is that of accommodation: it is that the child who bursts into life, and he gets the feeling that will provide the contact with the outside world. Through the life, hearing, touch, taste, he brings together all the knowledge that then can externalize through language and thought. Gradually gives way to the campground submissiveness, it's all perfectly normal.

Keep in mind that the absorption capacity is not something passive receiving means to accept, receive, possess a sensation. We welcome
when receptivity for ourselves, for our pleasure picture, sound, smell, when we feel within our bodies. We deference when it's the thought that directs the actions and uses for pratici.Nel feelings when the control brain is unbalanced and therefore the emissivity takes over, here it strangles receptivity. The subject of course continue to pursue its action of receptivity, at least as far as possible, but the feelings are exacerbated by an irrational nervousness, are often confused.

There is no longer an objective reality but rather a subjective appearance.

We have two ways to know an object:

  • The first direct contact
  • The second discursive knowledge

The first is sensory, and absolutely impartial.

The second is rational, arbitrary and relative.

If you pick up a marble paperweight emerald our hand feels the weight, area, volume, is fitted with rounded corners or not, our eyes will adjust the color and the nuances of the veins of the design .
the contrary, if you read the description of that paperweight made by a third party, you'll know that the object is hard, weight, cold, with rounded edges, the color is bright green with lighter green shades.

Based on this we will build a mental image of the object by analogy to similar items that we had the opportunity to touch and feel.

This helps us understand the concept of Vittoz that the idea can be misleading, but the feeling never clear.

The practice of accommodation leading to these beneficial effects:

  • A reduction of nervous tension: the moment we are going to clean the glass, nine times out of ten, we perform an action with excessive force. The receptivity teaches fine tune our strengths without losing
  • A liberation mental receptivity not delete the subject of our torment, but the brood incessantly
  • Objectivity: Each trial involves emotions in our body, the emotional response, self-respect, sensitivity fan the flames of emissivity.
  • The campground allows a proper opening to the world and to others including our opponent, we are more amenable to our next
  • self-possession and the world: our feelings belong to us fully. This is not to discredit the cultural acquisitions. However, what is all knowledge of a scholar who knows all of the sky, but he never contemplated the beauty just by looking
  • The perfection of the image mental idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you can distort our interpretation. The false idea subjects, while the truth free. The impression of the vagus often demoralized, but the exact feeling of security. The memory is strengthened enormously
  • The campground provides rest and tones the emissivity
  • The pure sensation guarantee a quality conscious and allows a balance of cerebral control

Instead generates an excessive submissiveness:

  • Fatigue brain, causing failure of concentration, nervous tension, wandering brain, torpor, confusion, insomnia
  • mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, obsession, split
  • psychosomatic disorders that affect the autonomic nervous system, digestive tract and other internal organs

We must therefore conclude that the absorption capacity is essential Vittoz, or as he said: receptivity is everything.


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