I enter now a subject of fundamental importance for Vittoz Method: The cerebral vibrations. The cerebral vibrations
are a discovery of Dr. Vittoz namely ' of a particular movement, a movement characterized by a wave special "whose nature has posed problems for the practitioner and the neurophysiologists
... But it exists, is a given done. As reported by the aforementioned
G. Laurent-Kaeppelin:
This fact experienced by more than 15 years by myself and others can be considerable.
1. As a diagnostic tool in all diseases of non-organic system nervous.
2. As a "test" of any subject of mental illness or not.
3. As proof of the veracity of thought on the subject.
4. The waves vary according to the doubt, denial, the statement
The rehabilitator must therefore feel with the hand the quality of the cerebral control of the subject. That 's what allows him, on the one hand, to make the diagnosis, the other to perform the treatment through a series of exercises appropriate to the case of the subject.
With the help of the exercises, we come to the abnormal change in the vibration of the brain, the brain and to restore the harmony that is revealed through the work of a certain quality of waves (rhythm, regularity, amplitude, power).
From these vibration movements perceived by the practitioner on the basis of states of the brain, the tracks listed below will give us a graphical representation of thumb:

Dr. Vittoz has identified many suspicions among his contemporaries about the existence of these vibrations, primarily among physicians. 'S why he has built a device intended to prove the reality of this phenomenon. This effort has not yielded the desired results.
His conclusion is, moreover, was: "nothing is better than the hand."
The 'training' or rehabilitation control, can not be effective except when the subject comes to modifying the operation of his brain or replace its abnormal vibration with vibration normal.
The cause of abnormal vibration?
The instability of the control brain, or some degree of insufficiency of cerebral control. The practitioner
thus pursues a clearly defined purpose: to change the brain mechanism with a functional rehabilitation.
The practical conclusion is that the method Vittoz can not be learned simply by reading from the pages of a book or a manual.
E 'absolutely necessary the intervention of a practitioner that, based on vibration brain received during a session and during the exercises, on-site to verify if and how these exercises are performed in order to establish the appropriate measures and / or advice for its proper implementation.
The self-executing or self-test are therefore not possible, at least in the approach to the method.
E 'essential help from a practitioner and his guide to learning the method and its exercises.
It 'also true that after 3 or 4 classes on the subject / patient is able, on the basis of the instructions, but mostly from direct experience what the years have earned him themselves, provide perform the exercises and other techniques without the help of the practitioner, which is so crucial for a correct approach to the initial method.
Otherwise, the subject / patient may not "experience" anything from the exercises and, even worse, not knowing if they are performed well or badly, not knowing, not having tried it on his person, the beneficial effects.
But how are felt by the practitioner brain vibration?
The practitioner stands beside the patient, usually on the left side, and placed his hand cut almost touching the patient's forehead near the hairline, I can feel the vibrations of the brain of the subject / patient, checking the rhythm, regularity, amplitude and power. This
both at rest and while performing simple physical or mental exercises.
The practitioner achieves this remarkable result is in accordance with the experience in his profession, and for the state of "accommodation" which is when does this survey.
The term used "state of receptivity" may seem obscure at the time but later became very clear, since it is the basis of the method Vittoz.
I want to say in conclusion that, to try to give substance to these my notes, I will try, albeit with limitations that I just mentioned, to "describe" some exercise, especially trying to focus attention to methodological issues.
This fact will be very useful if you decide you want to really use the method Vittoz, going to class by a practitioner!
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