Before addressing the study of cerebral control is important to note that there are two different centers: Brain
- conscious or objective
- Brain unconscious or subjective
We can say that the unconscious brain is the seat of the genesis of ideas, feelings, and that the conscious brain is developing that it depends on the reason, the trial and volontà.Se man balanced these two brains are perfect harmony, it is wrong to say that they must have equal intensity, one can have a certain dominance of either.
normal brain balance is defined as when any idea, impression or feeling can be controlled by reason, the assessment or the will.
This is in part unconscious at the ordinary man, while the patient has a vague feeling, he feels he's missing something and that something is controlling man cerebrale.Presso normal control is automatic and grows progressively with 'age and education. Can you guess what causes the lack of control brain: The brain has no brakes, open to all impressions, phobias, without reasoning, legal proceedings. E 'is completely at the mercy of the unconscious brain. In cases less
severe brain has insufficient control or unstable.
The differences are important, but in any case it is necessary to investigate further: the important thing is to check whether the control is sufficient or insufficient.
In the second case the documents, ideas and feelings are not clearly perceived by the patient and passively accept that he does not realize that they are the cause of all their problems. And not only
There is a direct correspondence between an insufficient check and balance organic brain. Often the evidence of symptoms on an organ of the body passes into the background, hiding the true cause: the psychic phenomenon. The causes of psychoneuroses
can be linked:
- A primary causes such as heredity, age, use of drugs / medicines
- A secondary causes in particular a moral shock caused by sorrow, worry, and too much work, but also as a result of surgery
forms of psycho-neuroses can be traced back to a form:
- Essential: thin comes from youth to become more pronounced in the age
- Accidental: suddenly appears often in conjunction with a moral or traumatic shock
- Intermittent or periodic
Symptoms Psychics are first un'impressionabilità exaggerated: the patient can not define their status, let go in a dream state from which it struggles to get out. Gradually the symptoms become more marked apathy, disgust of life and fatigue occur more strongly. If the dream state is absent, there is an unstable form of thought which can be defined as wandering brain.
This instability causes the incessant fatigue: a boat without a guide, without a pilot, an ongoing rush to bring their thoughts on the correct track.
The patient loses confidence in himself.
spends his life in a constant state of anxiety.
Just think about disease, it is never quiet and happy.
then take over anxiety and apathy, even though the latter is more apparent than real because of lack of will than we can speak of a lack of use of the will.
phobias and obsessions are other phenomena.
Alongside the psychological symptoms can be linked with organic ones:
- The vascular system
- organs of the senses: sight, hearing and touch are more strongly or less strongly affected.
The rehabilitation of cerebral control allows to restore the balance, to create connections between the brain and the conscious unconscious brain.
Once this has been achieved, the vibrations brain return to normal. The
dominates the unconscious conscious.
But this return to full consciousness, how it's done?
Vittoz method of doing the exercises.
These can be practiced in all the circumstances, in all places at all times.
There is no discontinuity between the exercises and the present life: Another originality of the method Vittoz.
The treatment consists of two parts:
- functional rehabilitation
- psychological rehabilitation.
which will be the next post.
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