Until April of 2004 I did not know who it was Roger Vittoz and his Method.
I only regret having waited so long before you know it.
How long have I lost!
What are the essential tools and simple I private at the same time to understand and transform deeply my way of being in relation to the world, to others, myself, for a more authentic and happy life!
How long have I lost!
What are the essential tools and simple I private at the same time to understand and transform deeply my way of being in relation to the world, to others, myself, for a more authentic and happy life!
I have to my friend Lorenzo - those to whom I extend a "Thanks!" - Gratitude for letting me know and appreciate.
Through this blog I will present the method of Dr. Roger Vittoz (in short "The Vittoz Method") by my experience and using the quotes of the few, but enthusiastic people who have had as a teacher or as practitioners (practitioner ").
Start with the words of G. Laurent-Kaeppelin (Qu'est que la méthode Vittoz? An art de vivre. Tequi, Paris, 1983):
The Vittoz method is a 'experience'.
It is not explained. You live.
How, in fact, it would be possible to enclose the complex movements of life in narrow limits of the theory?
go into details of application of the technique, with all the nuances it entails, would require a long process.
We will take care to explain then the basics.
The author of the method, Dr. Roger Vittoz, Lausanne, he has devoted much of his life to the sick nerve. This
until his death in 1925.
After first practiced hypnosis, very popular in the late nineteenth century, through the work of Charcot and Bernheim, he abandons it early, because this technique, in his opinion, "that does not act on the subconscious and has the great disadvantage of making the patient more passive " (1) .
On the other hand, the results are ephemeral.
Just when the genius of Freud is about the exploration of the unconscious and the analysis of our behaviors, Dr. Vittoz, discovers a psychotherapy based on the development of the conscious and the unconscious dominance of "Mastery of the brain unconscious conscious brain. "
The Vittoz method is presented as a technique for monitoring the rehabilitation of the brain, a technique of self-mastery.
Now, the method Vitoz leads not only to take possession of if for themselves, but also to discover whether they can act on themselves .
In this way we learn we can control our feelings, our feelings, our ideas, our acts. The most important contribution
Vittoz method is to provide the technical means to man perfectly simple "learning the use of your brain", also assuring the progressive mastery of his body and his spirit.
E 'vital experience, if a re-creation of themselves, a march toward freedom ...
E' often referred to as a "synthesis of psychotherapy and rehabilitation." Definition perfectly adequate.
insist on this specific and important method of Vittoz, as is often presented as part of the many relaxation techniques. This error reveals a widespread
very superficial knowledge of the method and a lack of understanding of its specificity.
For if even half of Vittoz method is carried out, in effect, relaxing, relaxation, inner calm, this technique carries it farther than this.
After this presentation, the next post, I'm going to examine in more depth and present the features and advantages of this method.
(1) Dr. Roger Vittoz, Traitement des psychonévroses rééducation du contrôle par la brain.
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