But turn to the words of the pamphlet by G. Laurent-Kaeppelin:
Let us now examine the method is useful to those who Vittoz.
Who is perfectly normal, controlled?
originally intended by its author for the exclusive use of the sick nerve, it is a topic for a teaching excellence individual.
In a world where every day, we are prey to multiple stresses, we suffer, unable to react, the discordant rhythm of modern life. In an almost poignant, our contemporaries are trying to defend themselves from attacks that threaten their balance.
Technique "synthesis and reconstruction," which makes the subject a supplement of nervous energy, Vittoz method is particularly effective to meet the needs of our time.
If, with the help of the exercises of the method, the sick nerve, the overworked, the sleepless learn to relax, these exercises can be used in the treatment of species psicoastenia and psychoneurosis.
This is because the method aims to modify abnormal brain states, states that we all know, in varying degrees, in certain moments of our lives.
fact anyone who has never experienced, at least in passing, as a result of painful events, excessive fatigue, or intellectual overwork, lack of control of these states that are
- the splitting
- dispersion
- tension ol'agitazione
- apathy
that characterize the nervous breakdown?
Our deeds are missing, then clarity, precision.
We live so vague, in confusion, memory falters.
We are in the throes of a whirlwind of ideas, the 'wandering brain, "in the words of Dr. Vittoz.
For the subject it is a real panic.
But the method is equally Vittoz its indication in severe cases of:
- obsession
- phobias
- scruples
- anxiety, which culminates in anguish.
In fact we are often safe to say that we are in good shape, going so far as to simply be offended if someone wanted to venture the hypothesis, the question: "Are you sure to be perfectly normal, controlled? "
We also feel that the patients meet us!
We might even lose the friendship of our party!
But do not worry!
After the first moment of panic, and after further explanation, our friend will have the opportunity to think again.
And if not, we respect his opinion ... and friends as before :-))
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