Because this method is so little known?
In fact it was the first question that I have expressed to Lawrence after learning the method!
I had never heard of Roger Vittoz and his method before, neither in medicine nor to have read somewhere. Yet
starting to read the pamphlet G. Laurent-Kaeppelin, page after page, I realized that could not be just an impression: the method had the idea to work, to be valid, solve many problems and above all without technical, esoteric perhaps, linked to philosophies and especially so completely natural, using only what is already within us, only with our talents and capabilities.
But the answer to the question - taking the book of G. Laurent-Kaeppelin - is in the words of Dr. François Ledoux:
In conference of the Congress of Villeneuve, in 1960, he said, "If the method Vittoz has spread so little, it is because, as a result of its own extensions in the life of the subject, requires an honest and sustained by the person who want to send: experience is gained at the doctors (practitioner), but especially with the hospitality with which we welcome every moment of our daily lives.
All changes, it was believed that the enrichment of making any profits that are not served to narrow, to divert it from that first goal is to harmonize man with great events and great natural laws. "
In fact, the effectiveness of this method, which tends primarily to the unity of person, is conditioned by its perfect simplicity.
Only after starting the practice of the method we become aware of this reality.
Only after starting the exercises and after removal of the automatic devices that afflict modern life, it becomes real consideration of its simplicity and effectiveness, but also the need to work on our person: if you want to get something you have to work and apply with consistency, intensity and sincerity; inconstancy or arrogance or something that someone can act on our behalf, irremidiabilmente lead to failure!
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